Our Student Ministries includes all of our Jr. High and High School students. They meet on Wednesday at the church at 7:00pm.
The ROCK stands for "Raising Outstanding Christian Kidz". Our children's ministry is for our Elementary age students. They meet each Wednesday night at 7:00pm at the church.
The Women's Ministry meets for the purpose of Fellowship around God's Word during the month! Watch the bulletin for more information on events to fellowship with other women!
The Men's Ministry meets for the purpose of Fellowship around God's Word once a month! This is a great place for men to Fellowship with one another and to grow closer in their relationships all the while realizing that God's Word says that by doing so we can be found like "iron sharpening iron"!
We support mission works all around the world. We take Acts 1:8 as our mission statement for our missions ministry. It tells us that we are to be a witness in our Jerusalem (our local city), Judea (our state), Samaria (our nation), and to the uttermost parts of the world (internationally). Not only do we support missions around the world, we have also sent out many ministers over the years to serve in other churches as well as our own missionaries to work in other places around the world. The most current work we have sent out is Harvest Panama Missions reaching the lost and unchurched in the country of Panama.
Discipleship is one of the three main purposes to our church. It is in the discipleship ministry where you can connect with God's Word and God's people to grow in a closer walk with Him and with each other. We call our different Bible Study classes of different ages our DGroup Classes. They meet on Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the church.
The outreach ministries at the church are opportunities to do ministry in our local community. The outreach ministries throughout the year are opportunities to be the church by being the hands and feet of Christ to those around us.